Pool Safety Tips

Now that summer is here, there are a couple of pool safety tips we want all pool owners to know. If you own a pool, you know how fun it can be. There’s nothing better then being able to relax…
Now that summer is here, there are a couple of pool safety tips we want all pool owners to know. If you own a pool, you know how fun it can be. There’s nothing better then being able to relax…
This post was originally published in June, 2023 We know it is frustrating to see the cost of insurance go up. Here’s why it’s happening and what you can do about it. In our years of experience, we’ve never seen…
Insurance is something that we often take for granted, until we find ourselves in a situation where we desperately need it. Letting your insurance lapse can have dire consequences and leave you vulnerable to a range of risks. In a…
College students and insurance: what you need to know. Have a recent high school grad? Congratulations! What an exciting time. We’re sure you have a lot racing through your mind, and what to do about their insurance probably isn’t at…
It’s important to know that sewer and drain backup coverage is not included in most standard homeowners policies, nor is it covered by standard flood insurance. You may be thinking, “I don’t need sewer and drain backup coverage because I’ve…
Whether you are shopping for home, auto, business or life insurance, underwriting is a key component of the insurance-buying process. But what is underwriting exactly? And how does it effect you and your insurance policy? When you apply for any…
When it comes to insurance coverage for your home, understanding the differences between guaranteed replacement cost and extended replacement cost is crucial – especially if an insurance agent is quoting a policy for you the first time. It’s in your…
Going through a house fire is a heartbreaking and distressing experience that nobody should have to endure. The aftermath can feel insurmountable, but it’s essential to know that there are actions you can take to start piecing your life back…
Have you seen your home insurance rates increase? One reason for this change: rising home repair costs. The cost of labor and construction materials has increased dramatically in the last five years due to inflation. This affects your insurance price…
Did you know that you can change your insurance company at any time? Switching home insurance companies mid-policy with a mortgage can sound complicated, but it is definitely possible. And if you’re working with a great insurance agent (like Blue…